For those who have failed in reading the bible in one year, there's hope. Try seven...

Monday, August 14, 2006

Set Apart for the Gospel

Romans 1:1 I think sets the tone for our seven years. "Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the Gospel of God." The group of us doing this are certainly in a way "set apart for the Gospel" since we are setting apart seven years of our lives in commitment to it. I think it's much bigger than that though. And what makes it so much bigger is the small things. Doesn't it sound cool to say, "I'm set apart for the Gospel."? But really how set apart are we? Are we still watching movies where we laugh at crass humor as if Christ would laughing right alongside us if he were watching the movie with us. In reality he would probably be weeping over the sin that is mocked in movies that we view as "not a big deal" to go see. This is just one example of small things in our lives that are really huge things that are keeping us from such sweet fellowship with our Savior. If we are going to claim to be set apart for the Gospel of God then the time we spend pursuing Jesus should reflect that both in its length and intimacy.
It's funny that this is the first verse of our seven years. Maybe God is wanting to teach us through this time what it means to be "set apart for the Gospel of God". Seven years from now I cannot even begin to imagine what we will have to look back on. I dare not even be presumptuous enough to ponder. God, give us one magnificent obsession...lead us on and we will run after you.


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