For those who have failed in reading the bible in one year, there's hope. Try seven...

Monday, August 21, 2006


To clear up any confusion, "Seamas" is the correct spelling - but I'll answer to other names (within reason, of course).

Irony of ironies, I'm teaching a bible class on Romans starting next Sunday - it's very cool that we are starting with this amazing book. Honestly, it might be cool to use one of the spare months floating around in the coming years to return to Romans after reading the gospels - that would be really interesting. But we've got plently of time to figure that all out.

The issue in Romans that is currently fascinting to me is the role of Israel in the history of salvation. The ways in which they are important, and unimportant, to Christians living with the Spirit is a fascinating question. I haven't figured it out. Not to jump into being pretentious and theologically nerdy - but is anyone else here familiar with the whole New Perspective on Paul thing that's running around seminaries these days? Just curious to hear other people's thoughts...

Paul is the man, Romans is a sweet book, and I'm stoked to read the whole freakin bible with you all.

Peace in Jesus,


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