For those who have failed in reading the bible in one year, there's hope. Try seven...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


As per Josh's reccomendation, let us continue on into the Torah with Exodus as our next book. Book number 4. Romans, Matthew, Genesis, and now Exodus. I will give you an update from Genesis in a couple days after I return to shore; I've been at month for a sea, which is why I've not written much. God bless; I look foward to fellowship.

Monday, November 13, 2006

On the past month...

I didn't know why I felt like we should read that book, but for me, I needed it in so many ways. It helped me to see the Restorer work in the lives of fallen people. I also saw and was forced to pay attention to the idea of ruthless pursuit of God and His calling in our lives. God showed me how determined Abraham was to follow through with what God told him. He followed through to the point of reaching for the knife to sacrifice his son BECAUSE GOD ASKED FOR ISAAC. When it comes to sacrifice too often I just set whatever it is before God and watch. I consider that sacrifice. I do nothing and wait for God to give it back to me. Yet we have the example of Abraham who must pack, take his son and two servants three days journey, hike up the mountain, build and alter, tie the hands of his son "whom he loves" (which a note said is the first time that phrase is used in the Bible) and reach for the knife before God tells Abraham to stop. I was left questioning: "Can I do that?" The answer is no and my prayer now is not for the strength to lay down those things that I Love when God asks for them, but the strength to follow through with what God asks even if it means truly having to grab the knife and perfom the act.
All the while I was transfixed on the fact that God dealt mercifully on all of the mistakes these people made. How many lied about their wives? Yet in God's grace He provided inspite of the consequences of the actions. Truly, "God will provide the lamb for sacrifice."
Also, final thing, I was amazed how many times phrases like "so that what God had spoken about______ would come to pass" were used. While I honestly haven't had conversations and words spoken, I am now earnestly desiring to have a real moment like that. To hear the promise spoken. I know the promise of scripture, but I want a relationship in which God can speak plainly and I will listen.
I second with Josh the Exodus sentiment...I had already started it yesterday...too curious. It is the continuation of our foundational dialogue.... Notice the trend of "forgetting" or "not knowing" that starts the book with the Pharaoh that "did not know Joseph."
Whatever is decided, I'm in though. I pray that God has blessed you each like he has me in reading. It has definately been the hardest month of my life, but it has been such a needed pruning time. Pardon the spelling, I have to run and can't spell/grammar check it. God Bless.