For those who have failed in reading the bible in one year, there's hope. Try seven...

Friday, December 15, 2006


Gus I think it is you man...unless the other guys who haven't posted yet want a shot...I am waiting, so basically I thin it is your call. hehe. HeyPat, good stuff. I was thinking that when I read it is well. Somethings that blew me away are:
1) Moses speaking with God face to face as a man would with his friend. I love the word picture and desire for that to be how my relationship is with Him.2) Moses' face. Oh that my face would reflect to radiance of Christ each time so that others can see who I have been spending time with.
3) The detail involved with the Tabernacle. And the fact that everything is listed about three/four times. I must confess that I got bored, but in thinking about the repetition, I think a huge point can be seen in the precision taken to be in a relationship (a pleasing one that follows the guidelines) with God is not a joke. WE have a very seeker friendly society in which we come as we are at anytime. Certainly that is an amazing gift that we have thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ, but I think it might be a weakness of the Church right now. For some reason for the past month I have ben having a hangup with the Church in America. I believe it is this fact that I too have fallen prey to the "Buddy Christ" mentality and lost some fear and reverence.
These are my initial thoughts.
Choose away Gus.


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