For those who have failed in reading the bible in one year, there's hope. Try seven...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Solving a problem...

So I must confess that I have had an unusually hard time reading Romans. No passion. I have been disappointed about that. So I tried something "new" for me and it is becoming habit. I read one of the sections (so neatly divided) of Psalm 119. It is all about love for both God's commands/word and God being active. It is helping to center my mind before reading Romans. Also I find that more and more I want the words of Christ directly, so I am reading through Mark as well. My big question is "Who is this Jesus?" followed by, "How can I imitate Him?" I guess I am a gospels addict now, but, hey, Romans is about the law redemption and life through Christ.. I feel justified (sorry for the pun). Sorry for no really profound thoughts, but I just wanted to share.


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