For those who have failed in reading the bible in one year, there's hope. Try seven...

Friday, September 15, 2006

a story

I never enjoyed reading the Gospels growing up. I mean, it was cool to read about miracles and all but the story never captured my heart. Maybe that's because I never read it as a story. There are all these prophecies that Christ is fulfilling and all this doctrine from the Law that is coming in to question, it's so easy to lose focus of the story. These prophecies and points of the Law are so important but they don't capture our hearts. The story of the person of Jesus Christ is what captures our heart. Part of that story though is Jesus fulfilling the law so that we wouldn't have to. How silly then for us to entangle ourselves in matters of the Law and doctrine when the story offers us freedom.

One of my favorite lines from the first chapter of "Velvet Elvis" is, "Doctrine is a wonderful servant but a horrible master." Doctrine is only useful to the building of our faith only so long as we have not lost sight of our Savior and his story. What amazes me the most is that I am allowed now to be part of the story. Being able to share in his sufferings. Being able to share in his joy. Being able to share in his resurrection.

I read through Matthew and my heart is distant. I long to know what it would have been like to be there. Maybe something is lost in that we no longer read the story out loud together. Once a week I'll sit in a circle and I'll be like, "Hey man, you grab the first three verses, and then we'll kinda go around and takes turns." Surely God has used this method to speak to my heart but right now I long to hear someone I love, someone who loves Jesus with all their heart reading the story in a candlelit room while it's raining outside. Their voice would burn with life like the candles and people would sigh as their hearts were moved by the story. After a section of the scripture, someone would begin singing or praying from their heart. I would close my eyes and welcome the tears as I felt the presence of Jesus himself filling up the room with his Spirit. Filling up my heart. Then I'll just sigh and be quiet and listen.

"Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

"Take, eat; this is my body."

"Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom."

We are hungry, we are hungry
we are hungry for more of you
We are thirsty, oh Jesus
we are thirsy for more of you...


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