For those who have failed in reading the bible in one year, there's hope. Try seven...

Saturday, August 26, 2006


I think that the somewhat confusing sections about the Law are best clarified in chapter 9. The Law reveals sin and makes guilt "evident". God has been revealed so that there is not an excuse. The futile in thinking did not give thanks and praise where it was due. The Law is enacted. Man fails once again, but God gave the promise to His chosen people. Yet, their minds, in a slightly different manner, became just as futile. Interesting thought...

I guess for me the question has always been, "If there is a promise, why do I get a chance and how did they fail?" FAITH. The law lost its wonder. It became routine. Law shifted from ability to be free in an active relaionship with God and His Law (think Psalm 119) to list of cultural guidelines for conduct that God will bless. Work your way in.

"What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, attained righteousness, even the righteousness which is by faith; but Israel, pursuing a law of righteousness, did not arrive at that law.
Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as though it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone, just as it is written,


The final answer for everything in my life the past month has been "Pursue God". I have been failing in my own strength. So often my life boils down to an unconscious, "Do this..." formula so that you can keep the good things in your life. If I do, I feel as though I have earned them. The truth is that I should be in a pursuit that is for knowledge of Christ and a relationship (genuine) that all of the things and people I love can be taken and I will still be counted rich due to the "surpassing greatnes" of knowing Jesus and being found in Him.
Sadly like the Jews, and this is what I think turns people off to Christ, I make my life about the pursuit of righteousness. Don't get me wrong: Righteousness is good, but it must not be the end goal. When it is the end goal, for me it turns to self-righteousness. Righteousness in the Law... I expect my righteousness to be attained by my action (not so blatantly though). This is where my toes get crushed. I can't work my way in. The "pagan's" honest pursuit of God pushes past my pursuit of pleasing God to keep my toys. The sacrifice has been made. God sees us as Christ. This opens the deal to all and not just to "God's Chosen People". Paul lays the foundation to say that since some righteousness failed the faith test the door is now open to you as well. He has not completely rejected them, because that would go against his character. THey still have their promise, but You are now a part of the promise. Because of living sacrifices. I think that Romans is clearly addressed to a people that need to know the "deal" and are needing clarification about how they can participate in a game that has already started in a very philosophical society. They need to be able to answer the challenges given them... How can you be a part of this? Think being dealt into a Monopoly game. Some aren't happy at the new players, but the Romans are getting caught upto speed. Their faith is being proclaimed which means that questions will be asked. Hard ones.

I know this is slightly rambling, but I wanted to throw out what popped into my head. Some stuff finally made sense to me. I think the question I finally had to ask was "If they are Romans, who cares about Israel?" Anyone who wants to lay claim to the promise of Christ is the answer.
have a good day gents.


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